Hotel in Lviv. Places nearby. Lviv railway station

Lviv railway station

Updated: 16.01.2019

History of Lviv’s railway station began far from the 1859 and exactly time began to make a path from Lviv to Peremushlya. The construction was finished in 1862. Hence first passengers were met by the happy citizen and musicians when train had brought them from Peremuslya to Lviv.

At that moment Lviv’s train station is justly considered as one of the most modern train station in the Europe.

It’s been years but till now railway station amaze tourists with it offbeat atmosphere, beauty of architecture and awning under the platform, which gives to it romantic outline.

Beneficial information for tourists:

In the main railway station are situated 6 different level(free, paid, rest room, VIP-hall) waiting rooms and 1 big cash hall. Here you can also find here pharmacy, restaurant, 3 bars, barber shop, shops with newspapers.

It is possible to get to rail ways through underground  passing and to the first one it is possible to get with above-ground. Schedule of trains Lviv you can see at the entrance of the train station on the big electronic indicator panel.   

Schedule of buses Lviv you can find at the bus station that located at the very opposite of main entrance to railway station. There also are coming buses of international connection, buses from Poland to Lviv, buses to others towns of Ukraine. There are also arrived trams, taxis, buses, that go around city.

Suburban train station Lviv

Near the main rail way station is situated suburban train station in Lviv. Here are departed trains of suburban connection along Ukraine. Cash offices are situated exactly at the street, there also possible to get tickets or to watch the schedule of the trains.

Lviv, train station address:

Dvirtseva Square1 – main train station;

street Gorodotska. 174 – suburban train station

Railway station Lviv information:

Additional information –  (032) 226-15-52

Information about international connection  (032) 226-19-03

Suburban train station Lviv(032) 226-10-06 

Detailed schedule of trains, to get a tickets is possible through the site:

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