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Lychakiv Cemetery: History, tombs of famous people, interesting facts

Updated: 17.10.2019

More than 300 thousand graves for two hundred and a few years, 40 hectares and 86 fields – these are the most impressive figures of one of the oldest urban cemeteries in Europe… Now it becomes more or less understandable, why the Lychakiv Cemetery has formed so many legends, rumours and mysteries. After all, so many stories do not store in one place none of the city’s attractions.

If you want to know more, read an article!


Lviv Lychakiv Cemetery has opened in 1786. By order of the Austrian authorities, which banned burying people on the territory the city due to sanitary safety.

In the middle of the 19th century on its area were paved tracks, planned alleys. That is all for making a cemetery like a park area.

There are not many old plates kept safe on the cemetery. In particular, due to vandalism and because strict Austrian legislation. The fact that the graves, which about did not take care of 25 years, worn for a place for new burial.

In 1876, the sculptors Leopold Schimser and Joseph Szydlowski had established stone gates, which carved out of the old tombstones.

Over the years, the cemetery monuments were more and more typical, and the role of architecture in decoration ceased to be such a weighty. In this regard, even created a special commission, which controlled the art vision of monuments.

During the Second World War, many tombstones have destroyed. After that, on the cemetery was common to install the usual plates, which made by the funeral parlour. Until 1975, when the authority of the city decided to stop burial and give cemetery the status of the reserve.

As an exception, on the territory of Lychakiv Cemetery were buried only prominent personalities or family members who had their own vaults in the territory.

In year, 1990 Lviv City Council announced Lychakiv Cemetery of historical and cultural reserve of local significance. A year later, a hill of Glory became as part of cemetery. In 10 years has created a scientific department that studies and promotes the Lychakiv Cemetery Museum

The tombs of famous people

Ivan Franko (1856 – 1916)

Famous Ukrainian writer, a publicist. At first he was buried in a “hotel tomb” (the owners rented a place for temporary burial), and later reburied in a separate grave. A monument with Stonemasonry appeared in 1933 year.

Solomiya Krushelnytska (1872 – 1952)

She was a famous Ukrainian opera singer, a pedagogue. After her death at the grave set conventional slab. Then, in order not to be ashamed of the Italian fans, the Soviet government took care of a presentable headstone. Set a monument with the Greek God Orpheus. According to legend, he symbolizes the son of the singer who died in 18 years.

Viktor Chukarin (1921 – 1984)

World champion and champion of two Olympic Games in gymnastics. He won 11 medals, seven of which are golden. Yakiv Chaika created a monument on his grave.

Stanislav Ludkevych (1879 – 1979)

Composer, folklore specialist, teacher, Doctor of musicology. His tombstone at Lychakiv Cemetery in Lviv was create in ten years after his death.

Markiyan Shashkevych (1811 – 1843)

The priest, founder of the “Ruthenian Triad (Ruska Triytsia)”. The headstone authorship of sculptor Rudolf Tile portrays Galicia as crying women, which mourn because her son died so early. The monument made from ebony and covered with copper.

Mykola Kolessa (1903 – 2006)

The famous Ukrainian composer. By the way, he is the oldest Ukrainian, buried at Lychakiv Cemetery. People say that at the age of 100 years he was traveling by a bicycle.

Igor Bilozir (1955 – 2000)

Ukrainian composer, a poet, head of the legendary group “Vatra”. His grave you can see as soon as sign to the cemetery area – a white angel that reads music notes.

Volodymyr Ivasiuk (1949 – 1979)

Composer, poet, true legend of Ukrainian pop music. For a very long time, the authorities did not allowed to install the monument. The bronze composer near the grand piano appeared only in 1990.

Hrycko Chubai (1949 – 1982)

A poet, translator, artist, art critic. Through anti-Soviet poems and sayings for the first time buried not at Lychakiv Cemetery, but in Sykhiv. However, in 1995 Lviv authorities allowed to “to move” the grave on Lychakiv. Moreover, in 2007 opened a monument with the image of the flight of Muse over a poet.

In addition, on the territory of Lychakiv Cemetery have buried:

  • Authors Iryna Vilde, Nazar Honchar, Ihor Rymaruk, Mykhailo Rudnytskyi, Osyp Turianskyi, Hryhoriy Tiutiunnyk, Roman Fedoriv, Ivan Franko, Markiyan Shashkevych;
  • Painters and sculptors Ihor Bodnar, Mikhailo Dzyndra, Olena Kulchytska, Ivan Trush;
  • Art experts Borys Voznytskyi, Mykhailo Dragan;
  • Musician Sergiy Kuzminskyi;
  • Artists Solomia Krushelnytska, Volodymyr Ignatenko, Vasyl Slipak;
  • Famous public, political, public officials, publists, bishops of the UGCC, military, Heroes of the Soviet Union, etc.

The most beautiful tomb on the cemestry

In the alley to the right of the central, you can find the most beautiful monument in Lviv Lychakiv Cemetery. Here is the burial Regina Markovska (year of death – 1885).

The young woman in full growth lies on the bed, beautiful hair on a pillow, sad face… The statue made by Julian Markovsky (a relative of the deceased). He has been making it for almost 7 years.

According to one of the legends, the girl was an actress. One day she came into the role as she died with hero, which she played.

Another version of “Sleeping Beauty” – the girl poisoned herself through a betrayal lover. Finally, the most tragic version of death… somebody says that the heart of a woman did not endure the death of two sons. According to legend, they even buried with her.

Cemetery “Eaglets”

At the end of the First World War near Lychakiv Cemetery launched Polish military memorial (Cemetery of the defenders of Lviv or “Eaglets” memorial). Here were buried Polish people, who were participants of fighting against ZUNR, Bolsheviks, the victims of the German-Polish War of 1939 and those who participated in the resistance movement in 1922-44 years.

In the early 80’s these graves reduced by the Soviets, and on their site laid the Banaha Street.

In 1989 started a work on reconstruction of the Memorial.

The Heavenly Hundred and heroes of the ATO

There are also buried heroes of the Heavenly Hundred at Lviv Lychakiv Cemetery:

  • Volodymyr Boykiv
  • Yuriy Verbyckyi
  • Andrii Dyhdalovych
  • Bohdan Ilkiv

Their graves are located on the honorary burial №67.

On the territory of Lychakiv Cemetery, also there are tombs of dead members of ATO. In the fields of honorary burials, more than 60 heroes have buried.

Fields where buried ATO participants: №67, №76 and №83. 

Other interesting facts

  • Lychakiv Cemetery is one of the most visited places in Lviv;
  • The largest amount for burial on Lychakiv Cemetery – 80 000 UAH;
  • The oldest tombstone is dated 1675 year (with the inscription Armenian);
  • People believe that the ground around the grave of Bishop Mykola Chernetskyi – healing, and everyone tries to take a little bit ground with them. Because of this, the cemetery workers occasionally pour the ground near the monument;
  • The cemetery survived 24 chapels – mostly noble families.
  • There are six memorials at the territory: the UPA Memorial, the UGA Memorial, the honorary graves, Polish military burials, the Hill of Fame, the Memorial Lychakiv military cemetery. 


Excursions on Lychakiv Cemetery lasts 1.5-2 hours. You can order the guide directly on place (phone: + 38 (066) 991-53-08) or by using the private tour organisations.

In addition, for those who are looking for even brighter emotions – there are night excursions. Who tried it, say – it is incredible: tombstones illuminate lanterns and lamps, and so they just fascinate visitors with silence and mysterious beauty.

Detail information

Address Lychakiv Cemetery: Lviv, Mechnikov Str., 33 (main entrance).

Working hours of the museum: daily from 9:00 until 18:00 (October-March), 9:00 to 20:00 (April-September).

Web site:

Contact telephone number: + 38 (032) 275-54-15

The map of Lychakiv Cemetery:


Ticket price: for adults – 40 UAH, for students and children– 30 UAH.
Permission for photo and video– 10 UAH.

Excursions for groups until 10 persons – 130 UAH, for more persons – 200 UAH.

 Excursions on a car for five persons – 250 UAH.

How to get by local transport?

Public transport, which is convenient to get the museum:

  • From the city centre: Trams №1, 2, 7;
  • From the main railway station: Tram №1, bus № 29;
  • From any other point of the city: A bus that travels down the Lychakivska Street to the Stop “Church of St. Peter and Paul’).

If you are traveling with your own car, please note that parking is available in front of the museum.


One of the possible ways to go to Lychakivsk Cemetery is by foot from the centre: up the Lychakivska Street, to the Church of St. Peter and Paul. Return right down the street Mechnikov or up the Pekarska Street – to the main entrance.


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